Personal Details


By using the Parkinson’s Care and Support UK Symptoms Tracker you will be able to consistently track important PD symptoms and how they relate to your exercise regime. This tracker will allow you to identify any changes in symptoms during and after your exercise programmes, which can in turn help you to understand and better manage your Parkinson’s.

How to Use This Tracker

You should complete this form every 8 weeks. Keep a copy and send a copy back to

In this form, you will be asked to rate how you feel in several specific areas

The areas of focus are:

Motor Symptoms:
  • Tremor
  • Rigidity
  • Slowness of movement
  • Falls and dizziness
  • Balance/Walking difficulties
  • Motor fluctuations/dyskinesia
Non-Motor Symptoms:
  • Fatigue/Sleep disturbances
  • Pain
  • Anxiety/Depression/Memory
  • Swallowing
  • Gastrointestinal Issues/Constipation

Section 1:

Please rate how the following symptoms affect your daily function before an exercise on a scale from 0 to 5. * 0 Never 1 Rarely 2 Occasionally 3 Sometimes 4 Frequently 5 Always


Section 2:

Please rate what effect an individual class has on your symptoms after an exercise class, on a scale from 0 to 5. *
0.None 1.Barely 2.Small 3.Medium 4.Strong 5.Very strong



Exercise to Music


Beat Box Intense


Zhineng Qigong


Beat Box


Mindfulness Yoga


Gentle Fitness Class
