Friends of ParkinsonsCSUK
Our Friends of ParkinsonsCSUK Membership gives community members the opportunity to gain full access to a wide variety of exercise classes integrated therapies, information, services and products to improve life with Parkinson’s

Benefits of being a member
As a Friend of ParkinsonsCSUK, you will receive several benefits and priorities including free access to all live and face to face exercise classes, free or subsidised therapies, special concessions on products and services to help improve life with Parkinson’s, access to highly regarded Parkinson’s therapists and healthcare professionals, regular e-news updates, free access or priority bookings for Friends events and webinars, invitations to participate in new research and much more.
- Unlimited access to free exercise classes
- Discounts on products and services
- Access to highly regarded Parkinson’s therapists and healthcare professionals
- Regular e-news updates
- Free access to events and webinars
- Discounts on all therapies
- Much more
Is there a fee to pay?
The annual cost of our membership is £120 and there is an option to pay this in full or in three instalments at the time of signing up. After being a member for a year, you will then qualify to pay £10 a month if you wish.
This small membership fee plays a crucial role in helping to fund our vital services and maintaining the running of the charity. We are a small charity and have managed to keep going through difficult times but do need to raise more money to enable us to continue supporting people with Parkinson’s. By becoming a member, you will be helping us to do so.
So, for the equivalent of just £10 a month, you can become a Friend of ParkinsonsCSUK today!

How to become a member
To become a Friend of ParkinsonsCSUK simply click on the link below and complete the registration form:
If you are unable to complete the form online, you can complete the downloadable form via the instructions below:
1. Download and complete the membership form, make your payment to the charity via your bank.
The charity bank details are:
Name: Parkinson’s Care and Support UK
Sort Code: 20-57-76
Account No: 73814904
Reference: “Friend” followed by your initials e.g ‘FriendJT’
2. Download and complete the membership form, make your payment via our website Donate Now button and then email the form back to A small processing fee is deducted for website payments.
3. Download, print and complete the membership form and post it back to us (address on the form) with a cheque payable to ‘Parkinson’s Care and Support UK’ or make your payment via our website or directly through your bank.