Parkinson’s Disease Together Groups

What Is a PDTogether Group?
A Parkinson’s Care and Support UK (PCSUK) PDTogether group is a group of people affected by Parkinson’s whose purpose is to improve quality of life with Parkinson’s and to support one another in dealing and living well with Parkinson’s. PDTogether Groups are about POSITIVITY, WELLBEING and LIFESTYLE choices to enable you to be proactive about your health through a holistic healthcare. PDTogether Groups also organise social events and meets for friendship and fun.
How do PDTogether groups operate?
The online PDTogether Groups meets every Fourth night for social events, friendship and fun. The purpose is to improve quality of life with Parkinson’s and to support one another in dealing and living well with Parkinson’s and to reduce isolation.
The Group tend to be varied and so they engage a variety of people with different interests in Parkinson’s. There will be various topics related to Parkinson’s every week.
We are looking for volunteers to host our online ZOOM PDTogether Groups, if you are interested email

Face to Face
A PDTogether group may be small (an informal gathering at someone’s kitchen table or coffee shop) or large (a group at a church hall or in the meeting room of a local business). The members can be from a specific part of the Parkinson’s community (e.g., Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease or caregivers of those living with Parkinson’s), or they can simply be open to anyone who wants to improve their life with Parkinson’s. It is an opportunity to share experience about living with Parkinson’s, to change your lifestyle, to meet new friends or socialise. The underlying theme is one of positivity and wellness.
Some groups get together to share information on how to live better with Parkinson’s through diet, nutrition and alternative therapies and treatments, for company, encouragement or for exercise and hobbies. This information is usually provided by Parkinson’s Care and Support UK. Often, PDTogetherGroups invite outside speakers to talk about diet, nutrition, exercise, wellbeing and improving quality of life with Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s Care and Support UK can assist with arranging guest speakers. The charity can also signpost therapists and practitioners to come along and discuss specific therapies of interest to the groups.
PDTogether Groups can take on community fundraising such as fetes, festivals, bring and buy sale, quiz nights as well as charity volunteering opportunities including as local collections or giving talks within the community. We can assist with costs associated with delivering exercise classes for people with Parkinson’s and will provide you with support in running a PDTogether group.
There is no “right” or “wrong” way to organise a PDTogether Group, as long as it is safe, supportive, and respectful of all participants. People living with Parkinson’s who join our PDTogether groups often take better care of themselves and are less likely to feel isolated or depressed. As a result, people living with Parkinson’s who have support — either through a group or through family and friends — live longer, healthier lives.
Set up a PDTogether Group in your area
If there is no PDTogether Group in your area, why not create one? We can help you to set one up and to reach out to your local Parkinson’s community. Whether you want a small or large group, an exercise driven group or just some great meet ups for chats, excursions or complementary therapies, a PDTogether Group is the way forward. Whatever you want to do, do it together!
If you would like to set up a PDTogether Group in your area, please email us at