Support Us
We urgently need your support to open the Parkinson’s Centre for Integrated Therapy by the first quarter of 2022. We have made a good start through generous funding from us and the alumni and friends of the University of Kent – however your support could make all the difference in helping us provide treatment to those that need it most.
We need your help to establish the first integrated therapy centre for Parkinson’s, bringing together a range of evidenced non-invasive therapies with wrap-around care, wellness resources and research under one roof for those that need it most.
There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s, but different therapies and support can help people manage the condition and live as best as possible within their individual capabilities. These therapies are in high demand and some are not routinely available. Therefore, providing freely accessible therapies so that multiple symptoms can be managed all under one roof is a top priority.
- £130 could fund exercise sessions for Centre users for one day.
- £260 could fund 2x 1-hour Mental Health Therapy sessions.
- £500 could fund a week of massage therapy for Centre users.
- £1,000 could fund Nutritional Advice and Awareness sessions for two people.
- £2,000 could fund essential IT equipment.
- £5,000 would buy a neurostimulation unit for a Centre user to use daily at home.